made for the Bullet hell game jam 5

No upgrades in this game comes without any consequences...

Dive into Tinker Toy Tanks, an arcade shooter where every blessing brings a curse - strengthening your foes, whether it be the standard Red Strikers, who shoot straight bullets, the Green Octopus, which shoot spiraling bullets, or the Blue Surfer, who shoot wavy bullets. Dodge bullets tactfully and remember, when you pause shooting, you start healing.

Controls :

WASD - Movement

Left mouse click : shoot

F4 - fullscreen

R - restart


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This is really good. The card system really ties the consequences theme together with the gameplay. The bullets are many but are discernable from one another.  


This is a fantastic entry! The entire concept of consequences is thoroughly tied into the game. The different attack strategies allow for different styles of play and while the game is very hard, it is also fair. The graphics are mostly clean, though some of the upgrade iconography seem a bit weird and unclear. The music is chilling out in the background and is good background noise. Great job, well done!

thanks for the feedback! I was thinking about making the game easier,but I sometimes feel the bullet hell community is pretty die-hard and would have appreciated a challenge. The icons for the upgrades were kind of rushed and I could have spent more time on them.